Have your say on Arlen Hill’s 2040 Local Plan

Get involved in Local Plan 2040 consultations and find out more about what we’ve already consulted on.

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Think of planning and you might think of complicated rules and red tape, but planning is about the future. It’s about making sure that the right building and development, of the right design and quality, happens in the right place and the right time.

We do this by preparing a Local Plan, which carefully considers the housing and the economic growth that our area needs to continue to thrive over the next 15 years.

The Local Plan doesn’t just set out rules – it seeks to make our area better, for example by reducing the environmental impact of new development, building affordable housing, helping our wildlife, reducing flood risk, and improving our infrastructure such as roads and cycleways.

Read the full Local Plan Read the summary Local Plan

How to take part

We can’t get the Local Plan right without input from the community. That’s why we need to consult on the Local Plan during multiple phases of creating it. After each phase, we carefully look through your comments and amend the Local Plan accordingly.

Your input is crucial and we value your opinions, so please share your thoughts. If you prefer a quicker option, consider responding to our Quick Consultation. Please continue to check back on this page for opportunities to have your say in future rounds of consultation.


Have your say on featured consultations

Issues and options

Think of planning and you might think of complicated rules and red tape, but planning is about the future and future generations, it’s about people and communities and it’s about all of us working together to make sure that: “The right building and development, of the right design and quality, happens in the right place, and the impact of any new development is well managed.” We do this by preparing a Local Plan, which carefully considers the housing and the economic...

Arlen Hill Draft Local Plan

This is an example activity for demonstration purposes only. This site is operated by Delib Ltd and submitted responses will be discarded. We are preparing a new Local Plan, which will help shape Arlen Hill to 2040. The Local Plan helps to ensure that planning decisions are made in the best interests of our neighbourhoods and communities. Providing your feedback can take as little as 15 minutes. This website has been designed to help you respond to the topics that matter to you...

Regulation 19 - Soundness test

This consultation seeks representations to the Local Plan and asks whether you believe the plan to be sound or unsound.


  1. Stage 1: Evidence gathering

    Data and evidence is gathered about the local area through an Issues and Options consultation and Call for Sites.

  2. Stage 2: Preparation of Draft Plan

    Based on the research and evidence collected in Stage 2, a Draft Plan is prepared outlining our vision, objectives, and policies for the future development of the area.

  3. Stage 3: Public consultation on our Draft Plan

    Feedback is gathered from residents, businesses, community groups, and other stakeholders on the Draft Plan

  4. Stage 4: Preparation of submission version 

    Following the public consultation, feedback is considered and any necessary revisions are made to the Draft Plan.

  5. Stage 5: Publication of revised plan

    The revised document, known as the proposed plan, is published for further scrutiny and comment.

  6. Stage 6: Submission and examination

    The proposed plan is submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for examination to assesses whether the plan is sound, legally compliant, and consistent with national planning policies and regulations.

  7. Stage 7: Adoption of Plan

    If the proposed plan is sound, it can be adopted as the official Local Plan for Arlen Hill. 

Have your say

All open Local Plan consultations

Call for Sites

This is an example activity for demonstration purposes only. This site is operated by Delib Ltd and submitted responses will be discarded. We are currently undertaking work and gathering evidence in preparation for our area's 2022 Local Development Plan. As part of this the Council are running a Call For Sites exercise, asking people to identify land or sites that will available to be developed for housing or commercial purposes. If you want to promote a site for...

Housing allocations consultation

This Local Plan Site Allocations Consultation is aimed at gathering input on proposed land allocations outlined in Arlen Hill's Local Plan. This consultation serves as a pivotal opportunity for residents, businesses, and stakeholders to influence the future development of the community. The focus is on specific site allocations, where feedback is sought on land use, housing, amenities, and overall development goals. Residents are encouraged to participate through various channels,...

Arlen Hill character area study

This is an example activity for demonstration purposes only. This site is operated by Delib Ltd and submitted responses will be discarded. We are preparing a new character area study for Arlen Hill. A character area study helps determine what the characteristics are that contribute towards making a town distinctive. By understanding the existing characteristics we can enhance and promote positive development, which is responsive and suited to the local character. Providing...

Issues and options

Think of planning and you might think of complicated rules and red tape, but planning is about the future and future generations, it’s about people and communities and it’s about all of us working together to make sure that: “The right building and development, of the right design and quality, happens in the right place, and the impact of any new development is well managed.” We do this by preparing a Local Plan, which carefully considers the housing and the economic...

Arlen Hill Draft Local Plan

This is an example activity for demonstration purposes only. This site is operated by Delib Ltd and submitted responses will be discarded. We are preparing a new Local Plan, which will help shape Arlen Hill to 2040. The Local Plan helps to ensure that planning decisions are made in the best interests of our neighbourhoods and communities. Providing your feedback can take as little as 15 minutes. This website has been designed to help you respond to the topics that matter to you...

Feedback and amendments

Comments made in previous rounds of consultation and the changes we’ve made

Draft policy AN1: Biodiversity

  • There was support for our ambition of a 30% Biodiversity Net Gain but many people were sceptical that this was achievable.
  • We have prepared further evidence in partnership with biodiversity subject matter experts and have incorporated this into the Draft Local Plan.


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Draft policy AC3: Flood risk

  • Many people said there should be stricter controls on planning permission for people seeking to pave over sections of their front/back gardens.
  • Controls on gardens are set by the government, but we will be trialling area-specific requirements for green spaces to be better protected, and larger minimum requirements for green space in new developments.


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Draft policy AH1: Housing needs

  • Feedback was nearly universal that the area needs more affordable housing and that no new student accommodation should be built.
  • Existing student accommodation plans will go ahead, but we will clarify our position on minimum affordable housing and family home requirements.


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Upcoming events

Local Plan Q&A event

Join us for an informative discussion: We are hosting a special Question & Answer session dedicated to our ongoing Local Plan process. This is your opportunity to learn more about the development of our local plan and have your questions answered by council representatives. 🗣️ Get Informed, Get Involved: Whether you're curious about specific policies, concerned about potential changes, or simply want to understand the process better, we welcome you to join us for an informative and...

Explore our local heritage!

Join us for a series of captivating Heritage Walks and Site Visits, curated to showcase the historic and cultural significance of our beloved local area. These events offer a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in our heritage, learn fascinating stories, and contribute to the protection and enhancement of our precious heritage assets as part of the local plan process. 👣 Guided heritage walks: Led by knowledgeable guides, these walks will lead you through historic streets, hidden...

Local Plan in-person exhibition

You are invited to participate in a crucial public exhibition featuring the draft versions of our Local Plan. This event is a pivotal opportunity for residents to scrutinize proposed policies, maps, illustrations, and visualizations, and to provide insightful feedback essential in shaping the trajectory of our community. 🗣️ Your Voice Matters: Your presence and perspectives are integral to refining the final iteration of the Local Plan. Engage in meaningful dialogue with council...

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